Staging Members


become a member.

ready to level up?

/dev/color is the career accelerator for Black software engineers, technologists, and entrepreneurs — built for us, by us!

We started out as a small group in Silicon Valley, and today we can be found in every corner of the U.S. and expanding around the globe.

We’re just missing one thing – you!

membership benefits.


foster well-being and inclusion


overcome social isolation


access professional development


discover jobs and get hired


change tech from the inside – out

membership typesas.



Black tech professionals

  • access to flagship A* program for
    Black software engineers
  • networking & job opportunities
  • exclusive access & invitations



Black tech entrepreneurs

  • access to accelerators
  • private digital community
  • startup resources



support Black technologists

  • social & networking events
  • program discounts
  • industry news & insights

our programs literally change the game.

Do you want to join a global community of powerful Black technologists across 500+ companies and ventures?

Excited to engage in training, development, career building, exclusive professional networking, and great social events? Join us.

“Being in /dev/color effectively pushed me to make more progress on my long-term career goals than I otherwise would have.”

Alyse Dunn,/dev/color member

“It’s great having a sounding board as I navigate my career and I enjoy serving as one to my squadmates, too.”

Alan Johnson,/dev/color member

“/dev/color has accelerated my professional trajectory by connecting me to people who’ve been where I want to be.”

Pascal Carole,/dev/color member

“Finding one mentor is difficult, finding two is like hitting the jackpot, so having an entire squad of ‘mentors’ is amazing.”

KAmadu Durham,/dev/color member